Thursday, September 6, 2012

Boot Camp Kicking My BUTT!!!

Such a great thing to be able to say!......I was recently invited to partake in a FREE, (YES I SAID FREE) boot camp...and it's amazing!! The instructor is fabulous, and really motivated for us all to see results...she is definitely a no-nonsense kind of a woman, so you can't cheat in this class, she will call you out!!....The only drawback, (and there is only one) is that I have to wake up at 4:00am 5 days a week to make it to class on time...(a small price to pay to get fit, I think)....I'd much rather work out in the morning, then after work, because I have no this is a good thing....only thing that stinks now is that I will be taking a 5 day Hiatus for vacation next I will have to keep up with working out while I'm gone...Don't want to loose all I have already gained....

Anywho this means back to eating better and keeping track of what I am putting in my mouth, cause trust me, i'm not getting up at 4:00am every morning to jeopardize all that hard work!!!!

Excited to be going to Colorado this weekend for my cousins wedding...short trip..In Friday evening and out Sunday come back to work for a day and a half and then a nice road trip with the hubby to Virginia Beach!!!......SO EXCITED to spend a week with my family relaxing and just spending time together.....

Well hopefully I don't go on a hiatus so long next time...I will keep you updated on my early mornings and success along the way!!

A preview of my outfit for the wedding this weekend :)

Dress :)

Shoes for the wedding
Earrings for the Wedding

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Long time no see...

Life has been. Busy!!! And that might be an understatement....stuff at work has picked up, and it's go go go everyday.... I have been working out 4 times a week, and this is my last week of this particular class.... I would love to continue with one on one training, but the cost is just too much!!! But I guess we will see....

Been struggling with some shoulder pain/injury... Not sure the cause, but hopefully it goes away!!!

Got my hair's easier to manage in the morning...

Excited for cousin Kelley's wedding in less than 3 weeks, then a fab family vacation to Virginia beach!!!! So excited!!!!!

Well time to get ready for work... Will do better at updating this more often!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sorry I have been MIA

Work has been busy, and I haven't been writing....SORRY!!!.......My body is still a little sore from the triathlon, but it's a good sore.....I have also been working out with Joe and Cory this week...tonight is the last night for this week, and then I have sat morning at 9:30....Then a little reprieve until next Tuesday....Also thinking about going for a leisurely swim tomorrow morning to keep my body in the mind frame of triathlon...My last one is Aug 26th....No longer nervous...just anxious for it to come.....

I can officially say I like coconut water....I was told to try this for hydration instead of Gatorade (lots of unwanted sugar) and I decided I don't' really like plain coconut water (but would drink it), so this one will work!!
Seriously my favorite flavor!!!!!

Sorry I know I haven't written much....but back to work I go..Till tomorrow

Monday, August 6, 2012

Triathlon...Yes I am an Iron Girl

I can officially say I am an Iron Girl.....What an experience, to be surrounded by over 1,000 other women competing in this race......And not an easy one by any means....600 meter swim (just shy of a half mile), 18 mile bike, and a 5K (3.1mile) run....I was encouraged by so many of the participants (oldest one being in her 70's), and the people there cheering on loved ones and friends.....Never once during the race did I ever feel discouraged....the camaraderie between participants was incredible...If someone was passing you on the bike course, they had words of encouragement.....on the running course, it was "you got this', "you can do it", "your almost there".....That's what made this race so special......

What was even better that all of that was this one Iron Girl...We were all waiting to get back into the transition area to pick up our bikes and hit the road traveled fast that we were waiting because there was still one more girl on the bike course....we all waited patiently for her to get back into the transition area...and when she did, the women waiting were all cheering her on....she could have thrown in the towel and just quit there....(she was probably 30-45 minutes behind the last person on the course).....but she got off her bike, and started her run...there were no words for what I felt at that moment to see this woman continue on with the cheers from her fellow was one of those  goose bump moments....I later found out that when she finished the race, her mother was there to give her her medal....what a great moment...and what a great inspiration to everyone!!!....

So many times in life we quit when things get hard, or difficult...but now I'm going to take a page from her book....just keep pressing might not have the fastest time, or be the best....But be the BEST YOU!!!!

Special thanks to my Husband...who has shown unconditional love and support throughout my entire friends Harry and Jess for coming to cheer me on!!..And my family..while I know you couldn't be there physically, you were there in spirit!!

My goal was to finish the race in 2 hours and 30 minutes.... My official time was 2:29:02...I was very proud of my accomplishment!

Swim - 15:51
Transition 1- 6:03
Bike - 1:21:16
Transition 2- 3:16
Run - 42:36
Total - 2:29:02

On our way to the beach (5:30 am)......

Leon and I before I start my Swim!
Finishing my 600M swim....there was a lot of seaweed in that lake!
Starting my 18 Mile bike ride.....

Finished my biking portion, and posing for the camera before my run!

I finished....Me and Leon after the race!

My Cheering Squad!! Thanks for your Support!
My Medal!

Friday, August 3, 2012

2 Days.....

Sorry I didn't get to write yesterday...Work was insanely BUSY!!!.....I don't even think I stopped to think yesterday....Which is kind of the way I like work to be....

Last night was my last time this week working out with Joe and Cory...3 nights in a was tough..not gonna lie..30 minutes of continuous work....(high knees, running, jumping jacks, planks, abs, butt-kickers, the list goes on and on)....and not sure if this is a plus or not, but I'm currently the only one in my group at I get all the attention..(No cheating I am taking this venture very serious..been really good about my food intake...really cutting back on the carbs in Breads, pasta, etc....been focusing on eating vegetables and protein..berries and nuts...So 1 week down..and 3 more to go...

Leaving tomorrow morning at 10:30am to head to Syracuse for my triathlon....i'm very anxious...excited...and ready all at the same time!.....Definite pictures to come..

Theses are pics of my last 4 workouts this week....

Till Monday....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

4 Days......

Yup it's official i'm super nervous!!!....The Triathlon is now 4 days away...Haven't really thought much about it until's gonna be fun..I will have my hubby and some great friends there to cheer me on....I will do my best!!

Started my 28 day training with Joe last night...his co-worker Cory kicked my butt!!!...and to make matters even worse, I was the only student in the class, so all eyes were on me...not as easy to take a break when you are the only one in the room!!!...needless to say I was sooo tired last night when I got home...enough energy to eat a little something, shower, and hit the hay!...And tonight and tomorrow night I will do the same thing....My abs hurt a little.....

This was me last night after class....I'll take another after tonight!

I believe I can do Anything I put my mind to!  So Can You!!

What I had for food today....eating healthier is much easier today.....getting there...Baby Steps!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

5 More Days.....Freaking out!!!

Yup....5 MORE DAYS!!!.....Kind of freaking out....I know I will do the best I can...and I will finish the's just something new....While i did do a race last year, it was significantly shorter in the bike and run....This year I'm biking 18 miles and running a 5K while last year i biked 5.5 miles and ran 2.2.......It's OK..I will have my cheering section thanks to my wonderful husband and great friend Jess!!....I'm super happy they will be there....closest thing to having my family there.........

Day 2 on eating better and it's a little easier.....I added some strawberries to my lunch so i'm not completely starving when I get home..and because I'm working out with Joe tonight from 7:30-8...first time in a while, and excited to see what it will be...we have to measure and take pictures and all that stuff, so we can document how well we do...I plan on rockn' it!!.... (28 days of fun!)

I went swimming this was a leisure swim...which was nice...made sure to work my arms out a little more than my legs, because my legs have been hurting a little and wanted to give them a little break.....Tomorrow morning will be a leisure bike ride, and maybe a easy jog on Thursday morning....We will see...