Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 3 Weigh In

Happy Weigh In Day!!!  Last week I weighed in at 254....and this morning I weighed 252.  A 2lb loss.  Not bad huh.  I think once I can get a better grip on my weekends my weigh in numbers will be better!  So since the start I'm down 8lbs.

Today was workout 4 (first time doing it) and they are definitely getting harder!  But harder is good.  How will you ever get better when you are satisfied with just doing the easy stuff! 

Whats on the menu today:

Breakfast - chocolate oatmeal muffins

Lunch - Tomato basil soup and 1/2 sandwich

Snack - Greek Yogurt

Dinner - Lean Pocket and Apple

That's Right...I'm going to Work my Butt off and NEVER GIVE UP!


  1. Good job sister very proud of you

  2. Thanks Sister :) (I knew you read this once in a while)
