Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's Almost Friday.......

Well we have almost made it through another week!.......Thank goodness, this week has been super long at work, and I'm ready for a break from week we have Wednesday off, and the following week I will be heading to Minneapolis to see my family!....Very excited for that!....But before we get to next week, we still have to finish out this crazy week/weekend......

Saturday we are volunteering at a triathlon in queens (this way Leon can qualify for the NYC Marathon Next Year)......So we are getting up at probably 4am we have to be there at 5:30 to volunteer....and I will still have to do some swimming on Saturday for training..and we are supposed to be going to a meeting for church as we will see how Saturday turns out..

Sunday I will be attempting to run at 10K in Queens...I get kind of bored when the hubby does all of these races, and I figured instead of waiting on the sidelines, I might as well be out there running...and it will be a great training run for me, even if I only actually run a little more than half the race....I figure I can run/walk whatever I can't run..(the goal is to run the first 3 miles..and the rest is just a bonus).........
 I dont' have my food journal done yet, because i'm not sure which lean pocket I have in the fridge....So that will have to be posted later...Also not really sure what is for dinner tonight....that's even if I'm hungry....

Well I will leave you all today with this adorable video of my nephew taking some steps in-between my parents....the look on his face is priceless (he's so proud of himself)

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